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Jobs on Messly

In this article we explain how to add your jobs onto Messly, different types of jobs and our rules for posting jobs

Abrar Gundroo avatar
Written by Abrar Gundroo
Updated over a week ago

In this article we explain how to add your jobs onto Messly, different types of jobs and our rules for posting jobs. We'll cover:

1) Types of Jobs on Messly

2) Your Jobs

i) Overview of your jobs page

ii) Adding new jobs

iii) Responding to doctors who show an interest in your jobs

3) Adding Jobs to Messages

i) Using the Jobs Wizard

ii) Recommended Jobs for Doctors

4) Job Verification on Messly

1. Type of Jobs on Messly

From June 2022, we've update how we communicate job availability to doctors on Messly. We found that using the "Live" and "Example" jobs was confusing to doctors and does not make it clear whether a job is available or not etc.

There are now two types of jobs on Messly:

Active Jobs

These are locums jobs that you are actively recruiting for. There is either current or future availability and you have confidence you can place a doctor in this job in the near future.

Inactive Jobs

These are jobs you are not actively recruiting for. You are not looking to place doctors in this job in the near future.

By default all jobs sent in messages are considered to be active jobs whether they have a start date or not. We will also advertise your active jobs to doctors on Messly for up to 60 days, after which time they will become inactive. You can toggle whether a job is active and inactive from your Jobs page (see below).

We recommend using the same terminology when speaking with Messly doctors, as this will help them better understand their options for locum work.

2. Your Jobs

i) Overview

Your Jobs page lists all the jobs you currently have on Messly.

Your active jobs are advertised to doctors on Messly via the Discover page in our doctor app. Doctors can browse your jobs, show an interest in specific jobs and schedule a call with you.

Your Jobs page lets you view and manage which jobs are being advertised to doctors, add new jobs and make edits to jobs.

You can access your Jobs page via the 'Jobs' tab on the navigation menu.

Within the Jobs tab, there are 4 sections:

i) Active Jobs: These jobs are currently available and will be advertised to doctors on Messly for up to 60 days.

ii) Inactive Jobs: These jobs are not available and will not be advertised to doctors on Messly. You can switch them to 'Active' jobs at any time by using the green toggle:

iii) Gaps on Messly: These popular jobs are not being advertised to doctors on Messly by any agencies. We recommend advertising them if you have work available here.

iv) Reported Jobs: These jobs have been automatically flagged and removed as we were unable to verify they exist. For example, an A&E job in a hospital without an A&E.

Editing & Deleting Jobs:

You can edit and delete a job at any time by clicking on a job then clicking on the 'Edit' icon or 'Delete' icon within the job. Note you won't be able to amend the grade, specialty or organisation of the role, only the specific details.

ii) Adding New Jobs via the Jobs Page:

You can add a job onto Messly from your jobs page or by clicking 'Add A New Job'

From here you will be asked to input specific details of the role. If the rate is higher than that normal, we will ask you to confirm that the rate is correct and adheres to our Code of Conduct.

Once the job is posted, we will start advertising it to doctors. You will not be able to post a job on Messly if you have already posted the same job within the last 14 days.

Top Tips:

  • We recommend adding as many jobs as possible onto Messly to increase the likelihood of doctors showing an interest in your jobs.

  • Your jobs will not be advertised publicly or to other recruiters on the platform.. We only show jobs to suitable doctors who are actively looking for work.

  • If you need add jobs in bulk then contact your account manager and we can upload them on your behalf.

iii) Doctors Showing An Interest In Your Jobs

Doctors who you haven't messaged can show an interest in your jobs on Messly and initiate a conversation with you. In order to ensure your conversation doesn't clash with other recruiters at your organisation, we have added some specific rules here:

Scenario 1:

If a doctor who you haven't contacted shows an interest in your job and isn't in contact with anyone else at your organisation, you will be alerted by email and invited to start a conversation with them from your conversations page.

If you're not in conversation with a doctor, they will appear under the 'New Interest' tab of your conversations page.

Scenario 2:

If a colleague contacts the doctor after they have shown an interest in your job and before you respond to them, you won't be able to contact them until their conversation with the other recruiter has closed. They will appear under 'Contacted by Colleagues' section. For this reason, we recommend responding to a doctor as soon as possible after they have shown an interest in your job.

Scenario 3:

If you're already in conversation with a doctor when they show an interest in one of yours jobs, the job will automatically be added to your existing conversation and the conversation will be marked as active if it had previously been closed.

We only allow one recruiter per organisation to be in active contact with a doctor, so you will also be alerted to other jobs at your organisation that the doctor has shown an interest in. This applies in all of the above scenarios.

3. Adding Jobs To Messages

i) Using the Jobs Wizard

All messages to doctors on Messly have to include at least one of your jobs. You can add a job directly into a message when contacting a doctor on Messly.

Our messaging wizard will guide you through adding the right job for a doctor and give you helpful hints as you progress. We highly recommend paying attention to the doctor's wishlist to ensure your job meets all the doctor's requirements.

You can add up to 3 jobs per message. We highly recommend adding more than 1 job to a message to increase the likelihood of the doctor responding to your message.

When you add a job in a message it must meet the following criteria to be successfully added to the message:

  • The job must match the doctor's preferred grade, specialty and work type.

  • The job pay rate must be within 10% of the doctor's minimum hourly rate

  • The job's organisation must not have been offered by another recruiter within 30 days. We do this to stop all recruiters offering doctors the same job.

We also suggest you adhere to the following best practices, although we do not block you from adding jobs that don't meet these criteria.

  • The job is within the doctor's preferred travel distance

  • The job matches the doctor's preferred locum type (e.g. Ad-Hoc, Short-Term Work)

  • You have included some useful additional info about the job (e.g. rota pattern)

ii) Recommended Jobs for Doctors

When messaging a doctor, we use your list of jobs to recommend suitable jobs which you can add directly to the message.

The recommended jobs for a doctor will appear if they match the doctor's requirements and haven't been offered to this doctor by another recruiter. You can click 'Add To Message' to add up to three of these jobs to the message.

4. Job Verification on Messly

From June 2022, we are adding a new verification system for locum jobs added to Messly. This system aims to ensure that all locum jobs added to Messly are genuine roles, and will report those which are suspected as not being real roles.

You can read how are verification system works here:

If you have any questions, please contact

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